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Completed Carbon Action Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Action

Developing the skills and digitalization of regenerative agriculture in the province of Häme.

UVIDI project advances multibeneficial regenerative farming by developing skills and digitalization in cooperation with farmers.

Official name

Development of skills and digitalization of regenerative agriculture in Häme


1.8.2022 – 31.12.2024

Persons in charge

Iivari Kunttu


Administrator: Häme University of Applied Aciences (HAMK)

Other partial executors: Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG), Finnish Meteorological Institute


European Agricultural Fund for rural Development, Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland 2014-2020

The project is implemented from farmers’ starting points.

The project advances knowledge and skills of regenerative farming methods in Häme area through training and participatory groupwork. At the same time, the digitalization of regenerative agriculture is being developed further with farmers.

Farms implementing regenerative agriculture in the project’s area of operation are invited to participate in the project. In cooperation with the farms, measurements and digital solutions supporting and verifying regenerative farming will be piloted. The digitalization pilots implemented from the farmers’ starting points are implemented in cooperation with the Finnish Meteorological Institute and BSAG, and they are connected to the field observatory service.

The result is a guided online training product aimed at farmers, which will be utilized also after the end of the project. Based on the digitalization pilots implemented during the project, a regional development laboratory coordinated by HAMK, will be created. It will serve the development of Carbon Action field observatory.

The administrator of the project is Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK). The other partial executors are the Baltic Sea Action Goup (BSAG) and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The project is part of the Carbon Action platform managed by BSAG and operates in close collaboration with the farmers on the platform.


Iivari Kunttu, Leading Research Scientist, HAMK



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