Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Action
Regenerative Farm Management System
On the Carbon Action platform, BSAG develops a tool for farms that helps them achieve their goals in regenerative farming. The aim of the project is to advance regenerative farming in Finland.
Official name
Regenerative Farm Management System (UUDIS)
Persons in charge
Jenni Jääskeläinen
Baltic Sea Action Group
Charities Aid Foundation of America in collaboration with General Mills
The management system supports farms in a systemic transition to regenerative agriculture
The regenerative farm management system continues BSAG’s long-term work to promote regenerative agriculture in Finland. The goal of the project is to develop a management system that help farms take the principles of regenerative agriculture into account in all farm decision-making and operations.
The management system is based on the principle of continuous improvement. In the system, a farm defines its regenerative farming goals and plans the measures to achieve its goals. The aim of a regenerative farm is to continuously improve operations or at least maintain the level of the achieved goals. With the help of the management system, a farm can show that it takes the principles of regenerative farming into account in its operations.
Stakeholders participate in the design and development of the management system
During the design of the management system, the project will organise workshops for the stakeholders of the Carbon Action platform and consult experts in regenerative farming and other early adopters.
The development of the management system will be done in close cooperation with a group of farmers. BSAG will make use of its extensive network of farmers in assembling the group. To support the development and implementation of the management system, BSAG will organise training on regenerative farming for the group of farmers and will visit the farms twice a year.
The management system will be ready for piloting once the development phase is complete. We are searching for partners for the piloting phase as well as for the technical development of the management system. Contact the project manager if you are interested in cooperation! The management system will be released after the piloting phase to be used freely by whomever.
The management system is launched.
The management system is finalised using the feedback received from the piloting phase.
100 farms are using the management system.
The management system is piloted by the group of farmers.
The management system is piloted by 2-4 agricultural advisors and the group of farmers. Funding is applied for from CAF America through General Mills.
16-32 farms pilot the management system.
The development of the management system begins with the support of CAF America.
With the support from CAF America and General Mills, BSAG starts the development of the regenerative farm management system and prepares the project plan for the piloting and launching of the management system. Funding for the pilot phase is sought from CAF America through General Mills
10 farms take part in the development of the management system.
When you evaluate the success of what you do, you can identify ways to improve your actions the next time. The goal of a regenerative farm is to continuously improve practices or to at least maintain the achieved level.
Jenni Jääskeläinen, project manager, BSAG

Jenni Jääskeläinen
Project Manager, Regenerative Agriculture