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In Progress Carbon Action Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Action

Sustainable soil management and carbon farming through extensive use of research findings and advisor practices

In the large-scale implementation of carbon farming, competent advisors are needed, as well as the transfer of researched information to the knowledge and use of both advisors and farmers. This project addresses these needs through education and communication.

Official name

SOILADVICE: Sustainable soil management and carbon farming through extensive use of research findings and advisor practices


2019 – 2022

Persons in charge

Eija Hagelberg, BSAG, (the whole project), Jukka Rajala, Ruralia Institute, (work package 2, advisors)


BSAG, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Ruralia Institute, ProAgria Southern Finland


Support association for soil and water technologies (Maa- ja vesitekniikan tuki)

The lack of advisors is a bottleneck in the introduction of regenerative farming

The interest towards Carbon Action has been very high from farmers and companies and decision-making. The bottleneck in the large-scale implementation of Carbon Action is the training of competent advisors, and the implementation of the results of the Carbon Action -work for advisors and farmers. This project brings the results of Carbon Action and Ruralia Institute’s OSMO project to the use of agricultural advisors and farmers.

The project has three goals to promote sustainable soil management and carbon farming:

  1. To bring scientific information to the use for farmers and advisors.
  2. To educate 30 plant production advisors to become experts in soil health.
  3. To strengthen collaboration between researchers, advisers and farmers.

Research knowledge to use in the fields

In work package 1 “Research knowledge implementation”, articles and other communication material about scientific research results are produced in a popular way for farmers and advisors. Understandably communicated research knowledge can also be used by decision-makers and it increases awareness of sustainable farming among the general public as well.

In work package 2 “Training for plant production advisers” a training package focusing on the soil’s growth condition is implemented for 30 advisors and mentors. Practical measures are needed on farms, and guiding the measures requires the work of advisors, so the need to expand operations is now quite topical. On the basis of the project, the know-how and the further development of skills related to the growth condition of the soil and coal farming will be integrated into the national advisory system in cooperation with ProAgria and the responsible authority, the Food Agency.

Research knowledge of effective measures exists, but we lack practical implementation. That is why MAANEUVO project is essential for advancing carbon farming. We are going to train plant production advisors with our partners and disseminate research knowledge to farmers and advisors.

Eija Hagelberg, Project Director, Baltic Sea Action Group



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