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Completed Carbon Action Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture, Carbon Action

Growing awareness of soil health among crop production experts.

Investing in soil health can be beneficial in many ways – the same measures can increase yields and reduce nutrient leaching into water bodies, for example. The Maaneuvos project will train current and future soil health experts and integrate a training module into agricultural education.

Official name




Person in charge

Eija Hagelberg


Baltic Sea Action Group
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
Municipal education and training consortium of Peimari
Natural Resources Institute Finland


The “Catch the Carbon” development project at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland

Soil health training

The project will provide training in soil health for 20 crop production experts.

The new training module will be introduced to the curriculum of agricultural studies at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and Livia Vocational School. The educational material needed will be updated and supplemented.

An economic assessment of soil health management will also be produced within the project.

Taking soil health expertise to the next level

There are effective and research-based measures that improve soil health. This knowledge needs to be communicated to advisors, and their skills developed and supplemented.

In 2019–2022, the Maaneuvo project was implemented to train crop advisors, producing 16 soil health experts across Finland. The training will continue in the new Maaneuvos project, and soil health training will be integrated into the curricula of agricultural colleges.

The main objective of the Maaneuvos project is to broaden the knowledge of soil health among current and future crop production experts. By experts, we mean both advisors and other agricultural specialists.

With a budget of €350 000, the Maaneuvos project runs from 2023 to 2024 and is part of BSAG’s Carbon Action platform.


Work Package 1

Maaneuvos training

The Maaneuvos project will introduce the continuous learning approach developed in the Maaneuvo project into the curricula of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and Livia Vocational School.

Work Package 2

Continuing professional education

The project will train 20 current and future crop production experts to become top experts in soil health, following the Maaneuvo model.

Work Package 3

Economic assessment

The Maaneuvos project will carry out an economic audit of five farms in the context of soil health management.

Work Package 4

Educational materials

The project also aims to update and complete educational materials to meet future needs.


By managing soil health, we can achieve many benefits. We can ensure and increase crop yields, store atmospheric carbon in the soil, and reduce nutrient leaching into water bodies. We can also improve biological nitrogen fixation and plant disease resistance. Soil health management is also an important part of adapting our farming practices to climate change.

Eija Hagelberg, Project Director, BSAG

Contact us

Katri Salovaara

Project manager, Regenerative Agriculture, Biodiversity

+358 40 653 7117



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