Improving soil health on leased fields
Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Action
Information dissemination project to improve the condition of leased fields
The project “Improving soil health on leased fields” raises awareness about the importance of improving soil health to increase the value of rented fields, and to ensure environmental benefits. The aim is also to increase and deepen the interaction between landowner and tenant.
Official namne
Vuokrapellot kuntoon – Arrendeåkrarna i skick
Person in charge
Anne Antman
Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG), Maanomistajain Liitto – The Finnish Landowners’ Association, The Central Union of Swedish-speaking Agricultural Producers in Finland (SLC) and The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK)
European Rural Development Fund 2023-2027
A substantial need for basic improvements
One structural obstacle to improving the environmental impact of agriculture in Finland is that a large part of our agricultural land consists of leased fields. Compared to owner-operated fields, rented fields usually need more extensive improvements, such as liming and maintenance of water management.
Leased fields account for about 37% of the total cultivated area in Finland. Fields in poor condition pose a risk of environmental pollution, reduce harvests, and thereby also weaken domestic food security.
Informing landowners
The project’s primary target groups are landowners who are not involved in agricultural activities themselves. We inform landowners about why it is important to care about soil health. In addition, we provide practical tips on how to achieve better soil health together with the tenant.
Landowners will learn more about how they can impact the state of the environment and waterways while increasing the value of their land. The aim is to ensure that the fields’ soil health is considered in tenancy agreements and that landlords and tenants can agree on a fair division of labor and costs.
More interaction between owner and tenant
The project’s second target group is farmers who cultivate leased fields. They will be encouraged to initiate discussions with the landlord about the condition of the land.
Good practices on cooperation between landlord and tenant are communicated to all target groups during the project, leading to better interaction between landlords and tenants.
Farmers receive help in implementing measures related to improving soil health.
Structural solutions to reduce the environmental impact of arable land
We provide information on the problems related to tenant farming to decision-makers, the third target group of the project. National-level actors are encouraged to develop legislation that supports the improvement of the condition of leased arable land. Decision-makers at the municipal level are encouraged to influence the management of municipally owned fields.
Higher productivity and lower emissions on fields in good condition, also in the future
Finnish food security and adaptation to climate change are improved because fields in good condition are more resilient to extreme weather than fields in poor condition.
As soil health recovers, we will get bigger harvests with fewer external inputs, which means a more efficient use of our resources.
The Baltic Sea, waterways, climate, and biodiversity will all be better off, as the environmental impact of arable land is reduced.
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