The E-college for Regenerative Farming is an online course, available for anyone free of charge. It brings together a collection of new and familiar best practices for farming. The course was created in collaboration with farmers, researchers, agricultural advisors and other Finnish food chain operators and is based on both scientific research and practical experience gained from the Carbon Action project.
E-college for regenerative agriculture in Sweden
Regenerative Agriculture
E-college for regenerative agriculture to Sweden
Farmer training plays an essential role in the promotion of regenerative agriculture. Svensk Kolinlagring’s training initiative brings the first comprehensive regenerative farming course to Sweden. The course is open to everyone; with it, regenerative farming can be introduced to a large group of producers.
Official name
e-college for regenerative agriculture
Persons in charge
Louise Hård af Segerstad
Swedish Postcode Foundation
The e-college for regenerative agriculture is a joint effort
The educational initiative from Svensk Kolinlagring is based on the online course “The e-college for regenerative agriculture” that the foundation Baltic Sea Action Group created in Finland. In collaboration with Bäckedal Folk High School and various advisers, the Finnish course will now be adapted to the conditions of Swedish agriculture. Behind Svensk Kolinlagring are Albaeco and Miljömatematik, together with a large number of researchers, farmers, food companies and other important actors.
Svensk Kolinlagring promotes regenerative agriculture in Sweden
Svensk Kolinagring is a collaboration that aims to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in Swedish arable land. The goal is to stop climate change, increase humus content and fertility, preserve and create ecosystem services, and improve yields and profitability in Swedish agriculture. Svensk Kolinlagring is based on cooperation, openness, courage and innovation. The new training makes it possible to share the insights and results of the work. This way, the effect on the climate can be more significant. The funding is for two years, but the ambition is for the training to be available also after this.
Open course
E-college for regenerative agriculture