Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Action
Promoting science-based EU policy for the introduction of carbon farming throughout the Union
The CREDIBLE project focuses on sustainable agriculture and forestry that increase carbon sequestration, or reduction of emissions, in the case of peatlands. The project brings together an EU-wide network to enhance the knowledge to develop practical farming solutions, monitoring and incentive schemes.
Official Name
CREDIBLE – Building momentum and trust to achieve credible soil carbon farming in the EU
Persons in charge
At BSAG Kaj Granholm is in charge
Coordinator: SAE Innova (Spain) / Tristano Bachetti de Gregoris
Horizon Europe Soil Mission (2022 call) (CSA)
More information needed on the impact of carbon farming in different environments
In addition to measures to reduce emissions, the European Union is preparing legislation and ground rules for certification and incentives for carbon removals. The aim is to increase nature-based and technological carbon sinks and improve the effectiveness and reliability of both publicly and privately funded measures. In support of regulatory development and voluntary action, CREDIBLE will facilitate a broad three-year stakeholder dialogue to increase understanding of best carbon farming practices and their impacts in different climate regions of Europe.
Carbon farming means different things in different production sectors and under different soil and climate conditions. CREDIBLE will bring together scientific and practical knowledge from arable farming, agroforestry, grassland, peatland, and forestry systems.
Carbon farming is not just about carbon sequestration. It is also about growing food, fodder or wood and, at its best, providing a range of ecosystem services. Carbon farming is sustainable when it supports sustainable rural livelihoods, ensures food security, and improves biodiversity and the environment, while removing carbon from the atmosphere.
CREDIBLE’s data, collected and validated by stakeholders, will help actors such as farmers, local communities, businesses, and regulators to improve farm management and develop reward schemes and supporting regulations for carbon farming adapted to environmental conditions and the economic structure of different regions.
Carbon Action sets an example for other countries and the EU
The Carbon Action platform is one of CREDIBLE’s regional “clusters”, which are important local reference groups for assessing the impact and feasibility of measures.
The platform’s close collaboration among researchers, farmers, and companies will set an example for others to follow. It will establish a reference group for discussing the measurement and verification of carbon sequestration and other environmental impacts and contribute to the creation of new value chains based on carbon farming.
Through the concrete results of Carbon Action, BSAG aims to enhance the role of productive agriculture in delivering climate and environmental benefits in the EU.
The project promotes policy dialogue at EU level
The CREDIBLE project is first and foremost a network. Its main objective is improving the overall picture of research knowledge on carbon farming and to strengthen the debate and exchange of knowledge between actors continuously.
CREDIBLE brings together a knowledge base of more than 100 projects or other initiatives on practical farming methods and verification methods. Hundreds of experts will compile and evaluate data and results. The project will also engage in active dialogue with parallel projects funded by the Horizon Europe Research Programme, such as MARVIC, which focuses on carbon sequestration measurement and verification.
CREDIBLE will be implemented in close liaison with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) and other key policy departments and policy processes (climate, agriculture, food, biodiversity). A closing event in spring 2026 will present the main findings and policy recommendations of the project.
Project starts
Project starts on 1.6.2023. BSAG leads WP1 which will produce a knowledge base for the development of carbon farming approaches in different types of land use systems and climatic regions. Exchange of knowledge and information between carbon farming initiatives across Europe.
First summit
The first annual “Carbon Farming Summit”, focus groups in progress.
Second summit
The second annual “Carbon Farming Summit” takes place, focus groups and regional carbon farming clusters will evaluate interim results and outputs.
Input to EU policy work
Third annual “Carbon Farming Summit”, knowledge syntheses and recommendations will be communicated to end-users, including EU policy processes. Next steps in European cooperation are defined.

Kaj Granholm
Project Manager, Regenerative Agriculture, EU affairs