Carbon Action Svenskfinland
Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Action
Expanding the Carbon Action platform to the Swedish-speaking region of Finland
The project spreads knowledge of the best practices for carbon sequestration in arable land as part of sustainable food production.
Official name
Carbon Action Svenskfinland
Persons in charge
Anne Antman
Baltic Sea Action Group
SLC, Jordfonden, Svenska Kulturfonden
The project offers a versatile program
Carbon Action Svenskfinland expands the Carbon Action platform to the Swedish-speaking region of Finland.
Carbon Action has provided trainings, webinars and various materials to Finnish-speaking farmers, and through Carbon Action Svenskfinland these can also be brought to Swedish-speaking target groups.
In addition to seminars, materials and field days the project will organize small group activities in Finland’s Swedish-speaking regions. The project will collaborate with Swedish-speaking agricultural advisors to spread the knowledge faster and wider.