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Adaptive Carbon Farming (HITTI)

Completed Carbon Action Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Action

Farmer-driven development of adaptive farming methods

The project develops adaptive carbon farming methods in two regional pilots, disseminates information for further use in the agricultural sector, and creates a model for piloting and developing adaptive carbon farming methods elsewhere.

Official name

Adaptive Carbon Farming (HITTI)



Persons in charge

Eija Hagelberg


Baltic Sea Action Group


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland (Catch the Carbon development project)

Training, peer learning, and communication

The aim of the project is to develop adaptive carbon farming methods in two regional pilots, disseminate information for further use in the agricultural sector, and create a model for piloting and developing adaptive carbon farming methods elsewhere.

Adaptive carbon farming methods are piloted by two core groups of 6-7 farmers. A pilot on adaptive grazing will take place in the Pirkanmaa region and a pilot on adaptive management of continuous living cover in the Uusimaa region.

The core teams test the methods, utilizing the latest measurement technology in addition to peer learning and Holistic Management training. Regional groups will be formed around the core groups, and the results will be scaled more widely across the country.

A short documentary film will be produced on the progress of the project. Also, the economic and intangible benefits of the measures will be documented on all farms. The Adaptive Carbon Farming project is based on research data, in particular, carbon research data and farmer experiences gathered on BSAG´s Carbon Action platform. The project will be farmer-driven and will strengthen peer learning for farmers.


Jenni Jääskeläinen

Project Manager, Regenerative Agriculture

+358 40 099 5190


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