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ACCC Flagship

Completed Carbon Action

Carbon Action

The Competence Center increases understanding of climate change and the deterioration of air quality

The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) studies the interaction between agricultural land and the atmosphere. Research into the carbon sequestration potential of agricultural land and the development of carbon sequestration verification system is an essential part of the Competence Center’s work.

Official name

ACCC – Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center



Persons in charge

Markku Kulmala


University of Helsinki, Finnish Meteorological Institute, University of Eastern Finland, Tampere University


Academy of Finland

The ACCC Flagship (Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center) funded by the Academy of Finland, address two of the most urgent global Grand Challenges: climate change and deteriorating air quality. One mission is a better understanding of the interaction between agricultural soil and the atmosphere. University of Helsinki, Finnish Meteorological Institute, University of Eastern Finland and Tampere University form the Competence Center, and several stakeholders from different sectors of the society are involved.


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