Collaboration with Nessling Foundation Adds Biodiversity Research to Carbon Action
The Nessling Foundation finances the Carbon Action project platform’s research on how biodiversity impacts the ability of fields to store carbon. In addition to scientific research, the emphasis is on the impact.

Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation participates in the Carbon Action project platform and has started a collaboration with BSAG and the research group. Goal of the research is to find out how soil can sequester carbon from the atmosphere and how the soil carbon storage can be accelerated. Information on soil carbon storage is needed, as reducing emissions is not enough to mitigate climate change. The research work of the Carbon Action -project is coordinated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
“The Carbon Action -platform is a great possibility for different actors to collaborate to tackle environmental challenges. It also builds both scientific and practical expertise to raise Finland as an example country in carbon farming. The Carbon Action platform also perfectly concretizes the motto of the Nessling Foundation “Pro Aere Aqua Terra” (For the air, water and soil)” – says Minttu Jaakkola, a Research Director of the Nessling Foundation. The Foundation supports environmental research and providing research data to the society.
“Well-functioning soil is a solution that prevents nutrient emissions to the Baltic Sea, mitigates climate change, protects biodiversity and increases the profitability of the farm. Our strategic initiative is extremely ambitious and goal oriented. With the help of the Nessling Foundation we will be able to proceed fast, and we continue to apply for additional funding as the work goes on”, says Saara Kankaanrinta, BSAG’s Chair of the Board, chairman of the steering group for the Carbon Action -project.
The Carbon Action project started at the end of 2017 as an initiative of the Baltic Sea Action Group. BSAG coordinates the project and is responsible for the social impact.
Biodiversity is not only a goal but also a tool
The Nessling funded project, launched in spring 2019, aims to find out how plant and soil biodiversity affect the ability of the field to sequester carbon. Scientists design biodiversity-based practices to accelerate soil carbon sequestration and produce a computational model, that considers impact of biodiversity on the carbon cycle in the field.
“Our research group consists of researchers from different fields, with expertise in ecology, atmospheric research, soil science and mathematical solutions. I’m really proud of the group”, says Jari Liski, Research Professor from the Finnish Meteorological Institute who coordinates the research.
The project work is led by Professor Anna-Liisa Laine (University of Helsinki and University of Zurich), Docent Jussi Heinonsalo (University of Helsinki), Assistant Professor Annalea Lohila (Finnish Meteorological Institute and University of Helsinki) and Professor Mikko Kaasalainen (University of Tampere).
Impact work brings into partice knowledge about the carbon cycle on the field
“The Nessling and BSAG foundations are going to support the research group’s interaction and communication in different ways. With this collaboration we want to make possible for these top researchers to focus on the research work”, says Laura Höijer, Content Director at Baltic Sea Action Group.
The Carbon Action is working together with decision-makers both at the national and EU levels. This year we are already organizing events and making the most out of Finland’s EU Presidency. Next spring researchers will meet decision-makers in Brussels, and in fall 2020 research work will be presented at the Nessling Foundation’s International Symposium.
In the Carbon Action -project, the research is carried out in close cooperation with 100 farmers. In this way understanding of the grassroots’ level and practices can be taken into account at the research stage. The goal is to train carbon farmers, who participate in the research, and who are able to mitigate climate change through their own work.
“Effectiveness is built into our foundation’s rules. As for myself, the Carbon Action platform attracts me exactly with the involvement of farmers, through which research data proceeds directly into practice”, says Minttu Jaakkola.
For more information please contact:
Jari Liski, Research Professor
the Finnish Meteorological Institute
+358 40 748 5088
Laura Höijer, Content Director
+358 50 586 2680
Minttu Jaakkola, Research Director
the Nessling Foundation
+358 40 1696325