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Bold Projects rows across the Baltic Sea to encourage donations to BSAG

Bold Projects is a nonprofit association that performed their first charity undertaking in 2018 by running 100 kilometres from Helsinki to Tammisaari, urging people to donate money for breast cancer research. The run was a success as they managed to raise over 12 000 euros for a good cause.

This year instead of running, they will row. The four person team (Valtteri Ikäheimo, Bernhard Forstén, Eddie Myrskog and Linus Lehto) will row from Stockholm to Helsinki at the end of July. The feat goes by the name Bold Voyage.

Since Bold Voyage rows at the Baltic Sea, this year’s recipient of donations is the Baltic Sea Action Group. Bold Projects wants to raise awareness on the poor condition of the Baltic Sea, and encourage people to donate money for BSAG’s work for the sea. Donations can be made by companies and private individuals, and the donors will be featured on the project’s campaign page.

”BSAG has seemed like a good donee since the start of the project. We contacted them at the end of last year and since then have worked in collaboration to prepare for the launch of the campaign”, tells Bold Projects’ Valtteri Ikäheimo.

The route across the Baltic Sea is approximately 500 kilometres long, requiring not only smooth team work and tolerance to stress, but also that the rowers are in excellent physical shape. Training with a rowing club began in January, and since then the rowers have trained almost daily. The boat will have a small cabin where two team members can sleep while the other two row. The goal is to reach Helsinki in 5-7 days.

”July is usually the season for cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea, which is the most obvious sign of the sea’s eutrophication problem. We are thrilled that Bold Projects wants to help the Baltic Sea in this innovative way! BSAG wishes tailwind for the rowers and will follow the progress of the journey excitedly”, says BSAG’s content director Laura Höijer.

Campaign page can be found at

More information on Bold Projects at

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