Make a Corporate Donation
Making a corporate donation is easy for you and all your personnel to help the Baltic Sea and the climate. You will turn good intentions into action and results by donating to our Baltic Sea work. When you donate one euro to the Baltic Sea, we will turn it into three.
We wanted to support BSAG’s valuable work not only with a donation but also through communications. We ran a social media campaign in which we challenged our customers and partners to get involved in BSAG’s efforts to save the Baltic Sea. Both the planning and execution of the campaign went well. Five stars for cooperation!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Noora Hafström, Business Support Manager, Wiidare Oy
You can request an invoice or donate via online banking.
Fundraising permit RA/2021/1295
Corporate donation
A donation of €850–50,000 to BSAG is income tax deductible.
Contact us

FundraisinG permit
The Foundation for a Living Baltic Sea (ie Baltic Sea Action Group, Business ID 2177822-5) has a fundraising permit RA/2021/1295 issued by the National Police Board. The permit is valid from 8 October 2021 until further notice throughout Finland (excluding the Åland Islands). The donations will be used to restore the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea.