Baltic Sea Commitment, Corporate Donation, Carbon Action
Fazer, an international Finnish company that prides itself on offering new food experiences, is developing sustainable cereal cultivation with its contract farmers.

Cereal vision part of Fazer’s first commitment
Fazer’s collaboration with BSAG began in 2013, when the company made its first Baltic Sea Commitment. As part of this commitment, Fazer developed a cereal vision with its contract farmers.
This vision seeks to curb the eutrophication of inland waters and the Baltic Sea, to preserve biodiversity and soil vitality, and to reduce the use of chemicals in farming.
Fazer joins the Carbon Action platform
As part of its latest Baltic Sea Commitment, Fazer joined the Carbon Action platform and added carbon sequestration in the soil to its cereal vision. Fazer’s cereal vision is being put into practice with the help of the ten principles of sustainable farming.
The commitment consists of four areas: the circular economy, sustainable cereal farming, water responsibility, and product range development.
In order to promote the circular economy, Fazer is working to enable safe nutrient recycling, to prevent waste, and to increase material efficiency.
Cereal farming is being developed in a more sustainable direction in collaboration with Fazer’s contract farmers and value chain.
In order to enhance water responsibility, Fazer is drawing up an action plan with targets and measures related to water consumption, wastewater and water scarcity in the value chain.
Fazer is also developing its product range with a focus on domestic production, taking advantage of seasonal produce, increasing the use of plant-based foods, promoting the use of sustainable protein, and reducing food waste.
In many cases, the same measures also prevent eutrophication and help to fight climate change. Our goal is for all the Finnish cereal we use to be cultivated using sustainable farming principles by 2025.
Joséphine Mickwitz, EVP, Fazer Group Communications & Sustainability