Anora – Regeneratively farmed barley for vodka
Baltic Sea Commitment, Corporate Donation, Carbon Action
Anora’s Koskenkorva Vodka Climate Action is the first vodka in world made with barley from a farm using regenerative methods.

Farmers decision
Jari Eerola is Anora’s first contract farmer, who is applying regenerative methods in farming barley. On the Setälä-Eerola farm, 15 hectares yielded 50 tons barley in one season. Farmer Jari Eerola follows the principles of regenerative farming: green cover on the fields year-round, crop rotation, minimum tillage, and use of organic fertilizers.
Contract farmes and research
In Anora’s Baltic Sea Commitment for the years 2020–2025, selected contract farmers attend to a Carbon Action research project as pilot farms. Farmers point out one hectare test plot for a five year research period. Anora pays the expences of analysing soil samples. After the research period, Anora and farmers will learn, how different farming methods have affected soil carbon sequestration.
Anora’s goals is to produce 30 percent of its own grain spirits with regeneratively farmed grain by 2030.
In the company’s first Baltic Sea Commitment, Anora focused on minimizing water use and encouraging contract farmers to sustainable and nutrient efficient agriculture. With its second commitment, Anora joined Carbon Action Platform.
Collaboration started in 2015, and it includes a significant donation to BSAG’s work for the Baltci Sea.

Training our contract farmers enhances our potential to use regeneratively farmed barley in our prodcution. This is essential in acchieving our climate and sustainability goals. We want to be a forerunner and show example to other acters on this field.
Pekka Tennilä, CEO, Anora