Ville Wahlberg

Ville Wahlberg (MBA & MA) is the Managing Director of the Baltic Sea Action Group. He believes in broad collaboration and the impact of businesses and farmers on a mission to save the soil and the sea.
The world is a complex systemic knot that no one can untangle alone. When this complex tangle is treated like a simple problem, the issue worsens, creating yet another deadlock. Yet the solution, at least at a fundamental level, is simple – purposeful and diverse cooperation.
Ville is a versatile agent of change whose background spans phases in politics, consulting, and teaching. At the Baltic Sea Action Group, Ville is inspired by its aim to solve complex challenges by bringing together different stakeholders and increasing adaptability.
Wahlberg describes his role through the elements of the foundation’s name:
The Baltic Sea is, of course, the foundation’s target area, or more precisely, the scorecard where the success or failure of the work is visible. As Managing Director his essential task, together with the foundation’s board, is to identify what needs to be done to improve the ecological state of the sea. Based on that understanding, the necessary actions must be initiated. Ville is a goal-driven leader who thrives when faced with complex challenges.
The word Action in the foundation’s name reflects why Ville joined the organization. “Knowledge, understanding, and learning are things I never tire of, but what’s the point if this new understanding doesn’t lead to action?” Wahlberg sums up. To him, it’s clear that the Baltic Sea requires better solutions and actions, as the results so far are not flattering.
For Ville, the Group in the foundation’s name represents the power to achieve necessary change. “I am painfully aware that neither I nor anyone else is much on their own. However, humans are a truly astonishing force of nature when we decide to act together.” BSAG collaborates with businesses, researchers, authorities, landowners, and farmers. Wahlberg is convinced that through broad cooperation and collective strength, we can transform the world to achieve harmony between humans and the rest of nature.
Work Background
2023– Baltic Sea Action Group, Managing Director
2022–2023 Ellun Kanat Ltd, Business Director, partner
2000–2022 Ellun Kanat Ltd, Director, partner
2019–2020 Ellun Kanat Ltd, Senior Advisor
2017–2019 Ellun Kanat Ltd, Business Director
2015–2017 Ellun Kanat Ltd, Coms and Public Affairs Consultant
2014–2015 The Green Party, Organizational Affairs Manager (Vice-Party Secretary)
2013 Lohja municipality, Teacher
2007–2011 The Green Party, Campaign Manager