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Pirita Pykäläinen


Pirita Pykäläinen is in charge of developing Baltic Sea Action Groups’ social media channels and their content production.

“The Baltic Sea encapsulates many fundamental issues related to climate change and biodiversity loss. It might be tempting to assume that protecting the Baltic Sea is a matter for the coastal folk, but the actions that benefit the Baltic Sea are actually pretty great for us all.  A cleaner Baltic Sea would also mean clearer lakes, diverse and multifunctional forests, thriving fishing spots, and a flourishing domestic food system where the soil is healthy and fertile.”

Pirita holds a degree in media studies from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and is currently completing her studies in environmental planning and sustainable development at Häme University of Applied Sciences. In her sustainable development studies, she specialized in water resource management, global sustainability issues, and the use of geographic information systems. Pirita has gained experience and insight through her work as a journalist, in marketing and communications, and sustainability reporting consultancy. She considers strategic thinking, analytical skills, and creative curiosity to be the cornerstones of engaging multichannel content production.

“BSAG’s approach to building bridges between different actors and seeking solutions that benefit many parties is inspiring and solution-oriented. It’s exciting to be able to share all the joint knowledge about the Baltic Sea that BSAG and our partners have.”


Pirita Pykäläinen

Communications Specialist, Social Media

+358 40 506 4620
