The crash course in regenerative farming is a compact information package designed specifically for food system businesses, covering the principles, practices, and benefits of regenerative farming. This free, two-hour online course provides you with new tools and guides your company toward the food system of the future.
Become a Carbon Action corporate partner
Companies can help to make regenerative farming more widespread in Finland. In the Carbon Action project, we work with companies and farmers in the food chain to produce food in a way that enhances soil health and ensures the security of supply. Cooperation will gain us the leverage to increase the popularity of farming practices that will mitigate and be more resilient to climate change. Regenerative farming is a strategic way of increasing corporate responsibility.

More responsible business
Make your own business more responsible and sustainable with regenerative farming.
Training and support network
You will receive research data, training and support from regenerative farming experts and our other partners.
The chance to make a difference
As a forerunner, your practical work to mitigate climate change and eutrophication in the Baltic Sea will set an example to others in your field.
How to join?
The Carbon Action collaboration will provide you with concrete help in many areas, such as improving your procurement criteria, training personnel and stakeholders, building a more sustainable business, and sending corporate responsibility communications.
Together we can mitigate climate change, helping farmers improve crop safety and their fields’ resilience to extreme weather conditions.
Crash Course in Regenerative Farming
One of the best things about collaborating with BSAG is that we get immediate access to tried-and-tested cultivation methods. Many of our dairy producers want to solve environmental issues while also improving the profitability of their farms. It’s our job to provide them with information and support as quickly as possible.
Juha Nousiainen, SVP, Carbon-neutral Milk Chain, Valio
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