Biocode develops a carbon storage calculator
The start-up company Biocode develops its online service for calculating the carbon footprint of food so that the calculator recognises the effects of regenerative farming on soil carbon sequestration.

Commitment made in 2021

Biocode Oy develops and offers science-based tools for cutting emissions in food production and implementing a sustainable food system – from farm to store shelf. The goal is to enable reducing carbon footprint of a food product by 3 % yearly, in alignment with the Paris agreement’s requirements.
Biocode commits to developing its carbon footprint calculator to recognise changes in soil carbon due to regenerative farming. Biocode also joins Carbon Action platform supporting it with knowledge and skills of digital services. Biocode gives its Baltic Sea commitment to Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) for years 2021–2023.
The commitment focuses on the research work on the Carbon Action platform.
Biocode commits to include information about regenerative farming in its online tool, and together with BSAG, find the most suitable ways to guide tool users to the e-college “Uudistavan viljelyn e-opisto”.
Goal: To integrate e-college contents to Biocode’s online tools, and to engage at least half of the Finnish farmers in active and continuous calculation and managing of climate impacts.
Biocode commits to develop its digital tool using a science-based approach to include also soil carbon sequestration and related farming practices in a life cycle analysis of the climate impacts of a food product.
Goal: To successfully implement BIOHILA project by the end of 2023 together with Finnish Meteorological Institute, HAMK and Valio, and in Biocode’s online tools, apply science-based calculation methods and models regarding changes in soil carbon due to farming practices. BIOHILA is a part of Catch the carbon research and innovation programme by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Biocode also works closely with farmers and other experts to address the needs and expectations of the tool users.
Biocode joins the network of companies on Carbon Action platform and commits to support in meeting the platform’s needs for digitalisation with Biocode’s skills and knowledge.
Goal: To be active on Carbon Action platform and continuously offer Biocode’s expertise on modern online services and developing new digital concepts to improve the ecological status of the Baltic Sea.
Our goal is to create better conditions for sustainable food production and consumption, whether it’s raw materials produced by individual farmers or products found on the shelves of grocery stores.
Ernesto Hartikainen, CEO, Biocode
Furthermore, Biocode commits to communicate about Carbon Action platform in its general communication channels.
The commitment period is three years, and Baltic Sea Commitment will be followed-up as a part of Biocode’s strategy and company culture and through yearly meetings between Biocode and BSAG.