As the first shipping company, GEFO sets public targets in line with BSAG’s Ship Waste Action initiative
The company’s goal is to work towards 100% wastewater discharge into shore reception facilities in the Baltic Waters.

Commitment made in 2023

2023 – 2025
GEFO’s vision is to be the first-choice shipping solution source for the chemical, gas, and oil industry in North-West-Europe. The company conducts safe and reliable operations, developing transportation services that benefit GEFO’s customers to innovating the future and to minimise our environmental footprint. Sustainability is very high on the company’s agenda. GEFO Shipping Group is focused on making a difference for the many people who count on the company, today and for generations to come and that includes taking care of our marine environment as a frontrunner.
GEFO Shipping Group gives a commitment to the Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) for the period of 2023– 2025. With its Baltic Sea Commitment, GEFO Shipping Group is acting where it matters. Supporting BSAG is a firm step in jointly working towards a clean and healthy environment, and the company’s goal of safety and operational excellence includes exactly that.[SP1] Commitment focuses on collaboration in the Ship Waste Action network initiated by BSAG.
Commitment focuses on collaboration in the Ship Waste Action network initiated by BSAG.
Attending the Ship Waste Action by discharging GEFO Shipping Groups fleet’s treated or untreated sewage to the port reception facilities in Finnish ports and by extension the Baltic Sea as per $2b. GEFO Shipping Group will:
- Instruct and encourage on-board crew to discharge sewage and grey waters at ports using for example Ship Waste Action guidelines for ships provided by BSAG.
- Inform on-board crew management about No Special Fee by using for example BSAG’s Baltic Sea Waste Info.
- Follow-up its fleet’s operations and success in discharging sewage and grey waters at ports. The goal is to team up with terminals to work towards a 100% sewage and grey water discharge to shore reception facilities in the Baltic Waters.
- Give feedback to BSAG and share its experiences and learnings with other actors within Ship Waste Action to promote good cooperation in the network.
Contributing to Ship Waste Action’s success by developing GEFO Shipping Groups own operations and by actively promoting circular economy. GEFO Shipping Group will:
- Include instructions for sewage discharge at ports in its company guidelines, policies, and/or codes of conduct.
- Discharge sewage to port reception facilities not only in Finnish ports but also in other ports in the Baltic Sea area once they become available.
- Instruct minimising and sorting also other waste types and follow-up the amounts.
- The goal is to gradually grow towards and participate in a full circular economy and avoid discharging nutrients as waste into the sea at all.
Promoting circular economy for ship generated waste also beyond Ship Waste Action. During the commitment period, GEFO Shipping Group will:
- Actively communicate its learnings, achievements, and goals to its stakeholders.
- Engage its business partners to responsible practices regarding ship generated wastewaters.
- Encourage and challenge other organisations within the maritime industry.
By this commitment, GEFO Shipping Group joins the Ship Waste Action network, which enables cooperation in the waste management value chain, and development of its own operations to promote circular economy for ship generated waste. Furthermore, GEFO Shipping Group commits to communicate about Ship Waste Action in its general communication channels. Commitment period is 3 years, and the Baltic Sea
Commitment will be followed-up through yearly meetings between GEFO Shipping Group and BSAG.
GEFO Shipping Group has successfully embedded the Green Award program into its core activities. Furthermore, GEFO continues to reduce its environmental footprint by minimizing energy consumption and pollutant emissions. Joining BSAG’s Ship Waste Action initiative was only a logical continuation of this sustainability journey since the marine environment deserves to be protected actively. Both BSAG and GEFO are committed to protect the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea. GEFO Shipping Group goes green and proves this in her wake.
Peter Van Herck, Group HSSEQ Manager, GEFO