A Regional Screenplay for the European Stage – raising awareness among the academic recruitment
Organisation: Baltic Sea Forum e.V.
Time: 10/1/2010 – 11/29/2013
HELCOM is convinced that Public Awareness Raising – in particular with regard to the youth around the Baltic- is of utmost importance for safeguarding future generations’ interest concerning the Baltic. By performing a Youth Forum for students (the first has been held in Helsinki in 2004), HELCOM has therefore started a process of raising youth’s attention by proactively involving students into HELCOM-processes.
The fifth HELCOM Youth Forum will take place in the hanseatic city Stralsund, Germany. Students from all Baltic Sea riparian states are invited to participate in the event. Given that the number of participants has to be kept manageable and with regard to balanced participation in terms of regional distribution there is a limit of 5 students from each country in the Baltic Sea Region (to be selected by the organisers).
The HELCOM Youth Forum is intended to further the exchange amongst representatives of the future generation around the Baltic Sea. An interesting event including an attractive social programme will offer the possibility to feed in and receive new and additional impulses with regard to Co-operation in a developing and prospering region. Scientists and members of the political decision making process are prepared to introduce their views and experiences, awaiting your questions and comments. Workshops will offer the opportunity to actively scrutinise particular views and defend personal evaluations. Moreover you have the chance to meet other students from the whole Baltic Sea region.
The HELCOM Youth Forum is an permanent, annual meeting for students from the baltic sea reagion. The aim from the organizer Baltic Sea Forum, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, in co-operation with other partnern is to promote the interdisciplinary scholarly and academic exchange about the future and identity of the common Baltic Sea Region.